Saturday, August 8, 2009


abbv. a widely-used (OK, so nobody really uses it but us) abbreviation for the word dictionary.

As in:

Q: Tell us, Duckie, does the word Dic in the heading of your dictionary site have any hidden meanings? We're very concerned that it might be one of those double-entendre things. Isn't the usual abbreviation for dictionary dict?

A: Duckie can't help it if your mind is feeding you twisted, perverted information. If Duckie wanted to use one of those double-entendre things, he would have called it Duckie's Private Dick, or Duckie's Moby Dick... something like that.

You want to know why we left of the T? Two reasons: One, it didn't fit in the header without shrinking the font or shrinking Duckie's head. Two, certain people, like maybe you, would always be wondering... "Is that a silent T like those French guys have sometimes?"

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