Thursday, April 26, 2012

Daily Doozy - The Acronym 1CR

1CR is a shortcut for The One Class Rule.

Having nothing to do with social class implications, this rule is what normally defines the key difference between government bureaucrats and corporate bureaucrats.

A government bureaucrat at least CLAIMS to have attended one ethics class in college, or university, or whatever the hell they call the school they went to.

Whereas, it's become obvious of late that most modern American business schools* (aside from teaching frat boys how to loudly change "No Means Yes, Yes Means ****," are proud of the fact that they don't let ethics muddy the waters or obscure their focus.

*Not such a big deal, we're pretty sure that the Swiss and other European business schools have been ignoring ethics for generations. (Though, we are happy to report, this may be changing.)

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